Adult Torah Learning
Twin Rivers Area Community Kollel (TRACK)
The Twin Rivers Area Community Kollel (TRACK) meets regularly after Maariv at CTE during the week and offers individualized Torah learning to the men and teenage boys in and around our community. TRACK Rebbeim, also Twin Rivers residents, are an integral part of our CTE Community.
Daily Mishnayos by phone and zoom offers a respite from the workday.
Own The Daf covers the Daf Yomi every day, joining the Jewish people worldwide.
Sunday Morning halacha series details relevant topics.
Teen Tuesdays offers 1:1 Torah Learning opportunities for teenagers and TRACK participants for all levels. Nosh enjoyed!
Speak with Rabbi Yeruchem Katz, TRACK’s Rosh Kollel, to start or restart your learning opportunities. 732-824-2982

Ongoing Classes
Rabbi Gruman's popular Chumash series enjoys a macro and micro view of the Chumash, pasuk by pasuk, with insights from classic commentators.
Own The Daf covers the Daf Yomi every day, joining the Jewish people worldwide.
Sunday Morning halacha series details relevant topics.
There are frequent Women's Onegs throughout the year featuring shiurim and group tehillim as well as a weekly Tehillim Group.
Shalom Heritage Center
Shalom Heritage Center and CTE work symbiotically to provide educational and Shabbos experiences for families and individuals from every level of Jewish learning. In-depth parsha programs, Shabbatons, enriching family events, and one:one learning sessions on a variety of topics are available for everyone to enjoy.
Visit for more detailed information.
The Shalom Heritage Center, directed by Rabbi Sruly and Bassie Nadoff, is dedicated to providing Jews of every background and level of Jewish education with an opportunity to explore, embrace and experience their heritage through a wide variety of programs, classes, and events by enhancing their Jewish knowledge in a comfortable and open-minded setting.
Rabbi Leib Miller and his eishes chayil Frumie provide frequent classes and Shabbos inspiration for the entire community.
Call Rabbi Sruly Nadoff at (732) 616-6269 or
Bassie (609) 443-7170 or
Rabbi Leib Mller: 732-618-4444 or

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